Tuesday 12 July 2016

Colourless Hair Colour Remover Review

Today i am reviewing the Colourless Hair Colour Remover in Max Conditioning. I was very grateful that they sent out a box for me to review, as i was thinking about stripping my dark brown out so was a perfect time to do it. :)

The company is from TAM Beauty and im sure everyone has heard of them before? There the makers of Makeup Revolution,Freedom and I Heart Makeup. And now there bringing out hair products also which is fantastic and great there going so far, as this company is far the best! :D

So this is the box beautiful packaging and a great eye catcher, as in my store (Superdrug) is does stand out from the rest which is great. There is a current offer on at Superdrug at £6.66 normal price is £9.99. They do come in 3 more boxes Max Effect which is for darker hair like black,dark brown and reds. Pre- colour is a preparation for your next colour. Then you've got Go Blonde which is for people who would like to go from dark to blonde so basically a lighter for your hair.  

Below are the contents of the box. You mix A and B together to make the cream. C is the oil which smells amazing and is great when its on this helps nourish and condition the hair after its been stripped, so this is to use after washing the stripper out. And D is for extra conditioning which i did use because my hair is very fine and damaged, so this really did help it.

This is my before pic of my hair which is a dark brown. And underneath that colour is red and mostly bleach and blonde hair dyes.

This is when the product was on does say to wrap cling film around the hair, which helps with the process. And catches the heat which makes it quicker. I kept this on for 45mins no more then that as stated in the instructions. The smell was a strong smell but iv smelt worse on other colour strippers before so this was bearable. 

This is the final look, i love the colour and it blends so well into my natural colour on top. My condition of my hair after the process was amazing was soft and not damaged. I really recommend this product highly as ive tried so many strippers in my life and these all made my hair feel damaged, straw like and even turned my hair yellow/orange. This has certainly not done any of these. Great colour for the summer when is decides to come around :D

Grab yours at Superdrug :D Only £6.66 until 27/7/2016.

Any questions you would like to know about the colourless hair remover head over to my social media site.

Instagram: @makeupmadness909

Love Emma



1 comment:

  1. ive used it many of times! amazing :D

